As a Retailer or a Wholesaler your life revolves around inventory and we understand the challenges which arise from the nature of your operations.
Too much stock, not enough stock, dead stock
Correct pricing and standing out from the competition
Expensive retail and or wholesale premises to conduct your business from
For wholesalers who are importing, foreign exchange fluctuations
Logistics of getting your products to customers or consumers on time and on budget
Lead time in getting your products from manufacturer or wholesaler to customers
Need to diversify sales channels to capture all markets
Importance of e-commerce platforms to support your bricks and mortar store
Negotiating a favourable commercial lease in an optimum location
Tax bills based on profitability whilst cash is scarce due to high stock levels
Implementing the best stock control software for your needs
Making sure you are employing staff under the correct award and paying them accordingly.
Incentivising sales staff to get your products out the door
When to discount to reduce stock levels and keep your cashflow going